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FAQs About LDC

What is LDC?

LDC is an elective class that is offered for up to seven years.  The course provides academic credit just as any other elective course in junior high and high school.  The curriculum emphasis is on citizenship, leadership, teamwork and personal responsibility. 

If I take LDC, do I have to join the military when I graduate?

LDC does not obligate any student to enter the military at any level.  Neither does the LDC program recruit students for any military service.  However, some students do decide that they will enter the military upon graduation and their LDC experience is an advantage.

Why is LDC a good choice?

There are several great reasons why LDC is a great program for students, parents and the community.  These are a few:

a.  It is a fantastic peer group.  LDC students are a cross-section of the student body as a whole.  However, most teachers and administrators will tell you that LDC students are more self-disciplined and motivated than their counterparts who do not takeLDC.  We seek to instill positive personal morals, respect and responsibility.  These are characteristics that carry our students throughout their high school years and into adult life.

b.  It has many extracurricular activities.  A common denominator for LDC students is their level of involvement in school sponsored extra-curricular activities and community service.  It is generally recognized that students involved in wholesome activities tend to present fewer problems at school and at home.  LDC provides opportunities to become involved in after school activities like Saber’s Honor Club (3.0 GPA), RAIDER Platoon, Air Rifle Team, Color Guard and Drill Team.

c.  It assists in attaining scholarship and increased rank in the military.  Some students do take LDC with an eye on entering the military after graduation.  For those students who wish to go on to college, we get literature and share our knowledge to mentor and assist them to achieve their goals of an education and commission as a military officer.

d.  It has a dedicated Cadre (Instructors) who are concerned with each student’s success.  LDC Instructors are retired military professionals certified to teach and mentor high school students.  Each of us has experienced a great deal of the world and have children of our own.  From this vantage, we consider our work a calling rather than just a job.

You say you're not recruiting, but don't many JROTC graduates enter the military?

Many cadets find they enjoy military discipline and structure; it brings out their best and allows them to excel.  Some win appointments to one of the military academies.  And those who enlist can enter military service at a higher rank and pay grade.  But the LDC program DOES NOT request or expect a military commitment of any kind.

Can LDC help students go to college?

We definitely can help.  LDC training improves the ability to study, take tests, to set
goals, and to focus. What are colleges looking for Leader, Scholar, and Athlete.

Do cadets have to wear uniforms?

Yes, but usually only once a week, or when taking part in special ceremonies.  The rest of the time normal clothing, such as the school uniform, is fine.

Are there any fees for uniforms, books, or special equipment?


Is LDC as hard as it sounds?

The course is demanding, but most students who make an effort really enjoy the
challenge and thrive on the hard work and discipline.

Who teaches LDC?

Retired Army personnel with years of experience working with young people are the
instructors.  They are certified by the U. S. Army, but they are hired by, and work for, the school.  We have state-of-the-art instruction techniques. 

Are there any age requirements to be in LDC?

There's no firm age requirement, but students must be in at least the 6th grade to take


My child is disrespectful and has behavioral issues. Can you help?

Bailey Military Institute inclulcates students with the sense of self-respect, honor and duty based on a military foundation. Your child will learn how to respect and obey authority while creating a customized "Plan for Success."

I want to send my child somewhere that can board them. Where can I send them?

Bailey Military Institute is currently pursuing a boarding facility, however, we cannot board your child at this time. Feel free to investigate the insititutions listed below for a boarding experience.


San Marcos Academy


Marine Military Academy


Is there a "Dress Code/"

Yes. Bailey Military Institue requries that you wear a "Basic" uniform which initially consists of a black striped pant and a white shirt with epulates. As you grow and achieve, your accomplishments will be reflected on your uniform with military insignia.

How much does the uniform cost?

Your uniform fees are included in the cost of enrollment.

Is the uniform for the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the Marines or the Coast Guard?

Bailey Military Institute does not emphasize any branch of the armed services. Bailey Military Institute utilizes the principles present in all branchs that emphasize charcter-building such as duty, honor and responsibility.


Am I required to enlist in the Army after I attend Bailey Military Institute?

No. Bailey Military Institute does not endorse or actively recruit for any branch of the armed forces.

Does Bailey Military Institute push the Army?

No. Bailey Military Institute utilizes the basic philosophy of the armed forces, such as duty, honor and responsibility. Bailey Military Institue does not require your particiaption in the armed forces now or in the future to be a student.


Will attending Bailey Military Institute get me into college?

Students who attend Bailey Military Institue develop their own "Plan for Success" with the help of Counselors and Administrators. If your plan is to attend a 4-year, 2-year or Junior College, attending Bailey Military Institute will give you the personal discipline you need to create and submit a competitive application to college.

Can Bailey Military Institue get me into one of the Service Academies?

We have a proven track record of assisting students preparing for entry into one of  the Service Academies. Our alumni have attended the Air Force Academy and West Point.

I don't know what I want to do - can Bailey Military Institute help me?

Yes. Bailey Military Institute will expose you to professionals in a vast number of careers. We do this so that you can learn what appeals to you and will help you define your career and academic goals.


I don't have medical insurance, can I still enroll?

Yes. Your parents and/or Legal Guardian must submit a Consent of Insurance Form which will authorize the representatives of Bailey Military Institute to take you to a medical facility if necessary.

What happens if I was not immunized due to religious beliefs? May I still enroll?

Yes. Your son is eligible to attend our summer camp and/or school year. If your son does not have the required immunizations for the state of Texas because of religious or other beliefs, he must have a conscientious exemption form. The conscientious exemption form must be obtained from the Department of State Health Services in Austin, Texas. This affidavit can only be obtained in Texas.

If your son does not meet the immunization requirements for medical reasons, he will need a medical exemption statement. The medical exemption statement must be signed by your son’s physician. The State of Texas requires that the original form/statement is on file with the school.


State of Texas Exemption

How do I apply and pay the application fee?

 If you are applying online, please have a credit card ready to pay the $100 non-refundable application fee. However, if you are applying by mail, you may send a $100 check payable to: 


Bailey Military Institute
Admissions Office
2626 South Loop West

Suite 402
Houston, TX 77054

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