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Bailey Military Institute offers a unique program for Intermediate through High

School students, both home school and public schools, that provides Leadership

Development courses for grades 6-12. BMI is currently cross enrolled with St.

Francis of Assisi in North East Houston.
BMI is a specialty day only school with classes held on the second and fourth

Saturdays during the traditional school year. Long range plans are for BMI to

become a boarding school.
To apply to the program, submit an application for admission and a $25.00,

non-refundable, registration fee for admission processing, along with appropriate

transcripts to:


Director of Admissions
Bailey Military Institute
2626 South Loop W, Suite 402
Houston, TX 77054
(832) 778-9632


Applications for admission may be submitted at any time although coursework must be aligned with the school calendar for a given year. Home school students must align their BMI courses with the beginning of their home school courses.
The admission process and pertinent information is as follows:


  • Intermediate School students must have finished Elementary School.

  • High School students must have finished Intermediate School.

  • Students must have been in good standing with the last school they attended.

  • Students must be able to attend the second Saturday of each month from 08:00 - 12:00 for Military Science and STEM General Aeronautics classes.


Student Grading Scheme is as follows:


  • A = 90-100

  • B = 80-89

  • C = 75-79

  • D = 70-74

  • F = 0-69


Cadet grades will be based on performance in the following activities: 


  • Uniform/Dress Out - 15%

  • Drill & Ceremonies - 15%

  • Examinations - 25%

  • Leadership - 25%

  • Reading - 20%





Academic Team cadets compete in local and national events. There are two cadet teams that participate in the events. One team is the “Leadership” team. This team helps cadets learn different leadership styles, thinking maps, and more things that they can apply at BMI and other areas. The other team is the “Academic” team. The academic team answers math, science, language arts, and JROTC questions in the competitions. These competitions have timed questions for both teams. The teams periodically practice together to prepare for each level of the national competition. These two teams practice SAT/ACT questions and JROTC knowledge. The Academic Team helps cadets learn how to work as teams and prepare for the SAT/ACT.

Color Guard is an extracurricular  team responsible for presenting the flag in a variety of settings. The members of Color Guard practice drill and ceremonies, proper wearing of the uniform as well as the proper ways to show respect to our nation’s flag.

Typical Color Guard functions include football games, volleyball and soccer matches, Eagle Scout Courts of Honor and memorial services.



Orienteering is an activity performed by cadets that makes use of the map reading skills they learn in the classroom. Our cadets then go out and compete. Cadets orienteer twice a year.


One of the special teams at our school

is the Path Finder team. This team is

by far the hardest team to be a part of. 

It combines physical and mental

activities that are all designed to

improve the individuals and the

team as a whole. 


All Cadets are required to complete

the APFT or Army Physical Fitness Test.  The test includes:

  • Push ups  (two minutes)

  • Sit ups (two minutes)

  • Two mile run




Texas Southern University

July 11, 2015 - July 25, 2015


Houston Community College

June 23, 2015 - June 27, 2015

Mobile STEM Academy (Being Planned)


Planning for Year Round


BMI cadets can try out to be part

of the Drill Team. We have two

Drill Teams, one is the unarmed

and the other is the armed drill

The unarmed drill team drills

without arms (weapons) and

perform exhibition drill. The

Unarmed Drill team focuses on

performing complex drill maneuvers through combinations of marching and invented drill sequences.

The armed drill team performs

exhibition drill with rifles. Cadets

perform difficult and sometimes complicated marching and drilling maneuvers while using 10 pound,

M1 demilitarized rifles. Their

routine is fine-tuned each year.

Each team member must be very

dedicated, motivated and

disciplined to learn the routine.

The teams practice on a weekly basis. Throughout the school year the two drill teams travel to different locations in Texas to compete against other schools. Bel Air has two very competitive drill teams. The cadets all strive to make sure the team performs with maximum efficiency. Every member in the team bonds together during the year and treats each member as family.


The purpose of the PT Team is to

increase personal fitness and build self-confidence. We seek to instill a

lifelong desire in our cadets to remain physically fit and active.



A sampling of courses that are offered at the Intermediate level are

  • Conflict Resolution

  • Military History

  • Wearing the Uniform

  • Religions of Mankind

  • Customs and Courtesies

  • The US Constitution

  • Five Steps of Speaking and Writing

  • How to Study and Take Examinations

  • Introduction to Aviation


A sampling of courses that are offered at the High School level are:

  • Branches of the Army

  • The 14 Leadership Traits

  • Team Building

  • Principles of Flight

  • State Military Forces

  • Phonetic Alphabets

  • Introduction to Meteorology

  • Patrolling

  • Military Symbols

  • Navigation



The goal of the Bailey Military Institute STEM Education Initiative is to provide a sequence of courses of study that stimulates student interest in further study and employment in science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields beginning in their formative years and extending through high school.  To accomplish this overall goal we have selected the field of General Aeronautics, which encompasses each of the four STEM subjects. 


The STEM Leadership Academy comprises three phases, each serving as a stepping-stone for the next.


The First Phase is the Leadership Academy.  The goal of the Leadership Phase is to expose the student to the idea of leadership, the context of leadership and what is known about good leadership.


The Second Phase is science, technology, engineering and mathematics with the goal of providing effective teachers and leaders to establish the best learning environment that will empower STEM Academy students to be successful in high school, gain admission to the University or Technical School of their choice and successful in the global work place.


The Third Phase is the Les Morris Black Pilots Association Summer Flight Academy which will combine all four of the STEM disciplines during a forty (40) hour Ground School and ten (10) hours of Flight enabling selected students to successfully negotiate the Private Pilot written exam and Solo in the airplane.



The Summer Leadership Course is held annually in July or August.

The purpose of the course is to train BMI Cadets to Army standards, to develop their leadership skills, and to evaluate their officer potential.


The course starts with individual training and leads to collective training, building from simple to complex tasks. This building-block approach permits integration of previously-learned skills into follow-on training. This logical, common-sense training sequence is maintained for each training cycle. Every day is a day of training. Below are some highlights:


Land Navigation
Land Navigation training must be mastered early in the training cycle for the Cadets to be fully successful in the tactical training which follows. The Land Navigation evaluation consists of three events totaling 100 points. Each cadet must earn 70 percent on each test to pass this event. A passing score in Land Navigation is a criterion for success. Prior to Land Navigation, cadets will learn field craft while living and sleeping in the woods. They will set up field-expedient shelters using ponchos and whatever else is available. They’ll learn how to maintain noise, light and litter discipline.


Confidence Training
This includes rock wall climbing , the Slide For Life, Log Walk/Rope Drop, and confidence and obstacle courses. Confidence Training is designed to challenge the cadets’ physical courage, build confidence in personal abilities, and help them overcome fear. Cadets demonstrate confidence in their ability to overcome fear of heights by executing the Confidence/Obstacle Course, Log Walk/Rope Drop and Slide For Life.


Field Leader’s Reaction Course
FLRC is designed to develop and evaluate leadership, and to build teamwork early in the training cycle. Course administration is accomplished using the established cadet organization and chain of command. Cadet leadership potential is assessed by committee evaluators. Cadets are provided the opportunity to get early feedback on their leadership strengths, weaknesses, styles and techniques.

​Field Leader’s Reaction Course
FLRC is designed to develop and evaluate leadership, and to build teamwork early in the training cycle. Course administration is accomplished using the established cadet organization and chain of command. Cadet leadership potential is assessed by committee evaluators. Cadets are provided the opportunity to get early feedback on their leadership strengths, weaknesses, styles and techniques.


Cultural Awareness
Teaches cadets a basic understanding of cultural matters and how cultural awareness will facilitate mission success. Cadets learn how to conduct bi-lateral discussions with local officials, how to conduct a knock and search mission and how to defuse volatile situations using an interpreter.


First Aid
Cadets develop confidence in their ability to react properly to battlefield wounds. Through hands-on training and evaluation, cadets learn critical first aid skills.

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